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Edvina Klembarová
omnegif.gif, 3,9MB Hello! My name is Edvina Klembarová. I was born in one cold day in December in Košice, I'm 18 years old. Right now, I live with my parents in Prešov.

In my free time I like to draw, either on paper or in digital form. I play games too, without them my life would be boring. I love evenings in my bed with food and good tv shows. My favorite shows are The end of the fu*king world, stranger things, 13 reasons why. Sometimes I like to watch a movie too, my favorite one is Thelma, I recommend. But thing I really love to do the most is to watch streamers, for example resttpowered.

My favorite subjects in school are IT, history, geography, but most english. I like studying. In my future, I would love to do digital design in a professional way.

This site was made by me on IT classes.