
Hi! My name is Petronela Čebrová. I was born on 22th July 1999 in Prešov. I live in small city Hanušovce nad Topľou on the East of Slovakia, near Prešov.
I am student of Grammar school Ján Adam Rayman in Prešov. I am going of the 3th class.
I love coffee, chocolate, spring, my friends and family. I am lazy, stubborn, but I try to be kind and friendly.
I can' t imagine day without laught and smile.
My free time I spend on the walk in the forest or in mountains. Our The High Tatras are very beautiful.
I like our nature, our culture and our cities.
I love colours, but my favoutites are bordeaux, red, natural green and turquoise.
I am fascinated with art, I studied the art 4 years.
In the future I want to be a doctor, because I want to help other people.
Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Aktualizované dňa: 12.1.2017
Petronela Čebrová       e-mail: petronela.cebrova@gmail.com