Laurencia Tomková Hi  Who Am I? Crazy fifteen years old girl who love real friends and music. Maybe sometimes a little bit narcissistic, illogical and strange. Total imperfect but always original with an ability to make people happy. MY INTERESTS: My life is full of my interests. Music ?  As necessary for my life as air. When I´m sad or when I´m happy I start to sing and the world seems better. Everytime I feel alone I turn on the music and I start to smile again. My thoughts I put into my own songs. I often take my violin or guitar or just put my fingers on piano.  When the music starts to command my body I turn on volume and start to dance.  But music isn´t my only hobby. I love drawing although I cannot draw very well.  I draw and make my fashion designs and I love it. But my largest hobby is looking In the mirror at myself  xD MY FAMILLY: My family isn´t big.  Just mother, grandmother, grandpa and uncle. Nothing interesting. I love my grandma the most of all. She is my idol and she is a person who always helps me the most.  She helps me to rise when I fall, she gives me a lot of advice, she talks to me every time when I need her help.  My mum is often at work. She wakes up earlier than me and she comes home later than me. With my uncle I often go to a ski resort or squash court.  My family is very good but they aren´ t for me on the first place in my life.  MY FRIEND: My friends are my life. I divide all people who I know in two categories. First – people who I know but I don´t feel anything to them. Second – my friends who were my alfa and omega, my life, my world.  There exist four people in my life who I really love. Three people of them are my friends. First is my boyfriend Mathew, second is my best friend Kristey and third is my good friend Tina. They understand me and they always keep me alive. I love them!  A TIME WHEN I REALLY LAUGHED: I´m a really cheerful person who has a special ability to make people happy. I always smile and I laugh a lot. Mostly with my friends. MY FIRSTNAME HISTORY: Laurencia – really a usual name xD My friends call me Lauren. My name was created by male name Laurence. It means laurel leaves or crowned with laurels. Laurels were sign of victory. This name gives characters like: Humanitarian, giving nature, selflessness, obligations, creative expression. Website made by Website made by