Tamara Šimová

My hobbies


Music is a thing I can't imagine life without. Besides the fact I love listening to music, I also play the piano . Since I was 7 years old I attended Základná umelecká škola M. Moyzesa. One year ago I finished my eight-year study there. Although I don't attend music school anymore my piano doesn't just collect dust in my room. When I got the time I learn and play various modern songs. Right now I'm learningAmelie from Yann Tiersen.

Traveling ♥
Traveling is a hobby that would never give up on. I can say that the passion of exploring new places is in my family, so I can say we had explored a lot of places. Through woods, castles a mountains to tropical places s with high temperatures. My dream destinations are Hawaii and Caribbeans islands. I love getting to know new cultures, people and of course trying traditional food😅.

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I love almost every sport. Physical activities are a therapy for me, I can relax, relieve myself from stress and just feel the good vibes that come from moving my bodz My favourite activities are swimming, dancing, running and skiing. I was attending dancing classes for 8 years, I played hockey 4 years and I even tried a little bit of jiu jitsu😁.